Bill Ogden
Bill Ogden
Forty plus years of coordinating the training of firefighters, through the ranks of fire chief. Retired Fire Captain, Training Officer,…

Brad Amaral
Brad Amaral
Retired Fire Captain Brad Amaral was with Nevada County Fire Department providing leadership and training for a very…

John B. Tripp
John B. Tripp
John Tripp is a Deputy Chief with Los Angeles County Fire Dept. Chief Tripp started with the Department as a…

Mike Leckliter
Mike Leckliter
Battalion Chief Mike Leckliter (ret.) began his career with the City of Montebello Fire Department…..

Rob Patterson
Rob Patterson
Rob Patterson began his career with the then Orange County (CA) Fire as a Firefighter on April 24, 1981…

Sherri Martucci
Sherri Martucci
Sherri Martucci began her administrative career in the fire service in 1998 with American River Fire District…..

Tom Siragusa
Tom Siragusa
Assistant Chief Tom Siragusa is a 36-year veteran of the fire service and is currently the assistant chief in division…

Brian Midtlyng
Brian Midtlyng
Brian Midtlyng is a Fire Captain at the the South Placer Fire District in Granite Bay which is 30 min east of Sacramento.…

Eric Saylors
Eric Saylors
Eric Saylors is the Chief of El Cerrito/Kensington Fire department. He has 27 years in the fire service. During this…

Matt Brown
Matt Brown
Battalion Chief for Santa Clara County Fire Department with more than 22 years of suppression experience…

Tyler Reynolds
Tyler Reynolds
Fire Captain Tyler Reynolds – Started career in fire service in 1994 with CALFIRE. Currently a fire captain for the City of Riverside…

Gina Petersen
Gina Petersen
Gina Petersen has been with the County of Sonoma for 14 years working as a BC of training and safety.…

Mike Bryant
Mike Bryant
Deputy Chief Mike Bryant (ret.) – served the County of Los Angeles Fire Department and it’s 5 million residences for…

Richard Sonsteng
Richard SonstengBattalion Chief, Contra Costa County Fire
Chief Sonsteng has been with the fire district since 1988. He is a graduate of Butte…

Matt Baker
Matt Baker
Matt Baker entered the San Francisco Fire Department in January of 2016, and currently works on Engine 36…

Eric Matusak
Eric Matusak
Eric Matusak is a Police Lieutenant for the City of Long Beach. Lt. Matusak has worked assignments in patrol, critical incident…

Doug McKelvey
Doug McKelveyDivision Chief of Operations
Doug McKelvey recently retired from the Fremont Fire Department where he…

Larry Petersen
Larry Petersen
Larry has been in the fire service for 33 years. Starting his career with Cal Fire and crew member of Heliattack. Larry is retired from the…

Scott Ashbach
Scott Ashbach
Scott Ashbach is an engine captain with the Orange County Fire Authority in Southern California. Scott’s emergency…

Jose L. Velo
Jose L. VeloDeputy Chief (Retired)
San Francisco Fire Department
Jose L. Velo is a 28 year veteran of the Fire Service. Chief Velo held the ranks…

John Fisher
John Fisher Battalion Chief
John Fisher has served the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department for over…

Charlie Stumph
Charlie Stumph
Charlie serves as an instructor teaching Incident Management for a federally funded program in the State of Texas…

Stan Brawer
Stan BrawerRetired Battalion Chief
Stan has 34 ½ years of service with the Los Angeles County Fire…