Course Description: This course is designed for a Public Information Officer (PIO) assigned to an incident as a member of an all-hazard Incident Management Team (AHIMT) and local IMT’s, as well as for the PIO assigned to an incident as an Assistant PIO in a variety of capacities. This course will help participants develop a strong set of core PIO skills and the ability to apply them within the context of an AHIMT. This course is also distinct from other information function courses in that it combines elements from both the basic and advanced functions to concentrate training on the fundamental duties and responsibilities of the PIO in an all-hazards environment.
Prerequisite: ICS 100, 200, 300 and 400 – IS-700 and IS-80o
Unit Terminal Objectives:
· Describe the role and importance of the Public Information position in incident operations, especially as it pertains to the initial incident operations.
· Describe the fundamentals of information operations during incident management.
· Develop a communications strategy for dissemination incident information.
· Explain the importance of effective media relations, including social media, and the role of the PIO in developing and maintaining such relationships.
· Describe the roles and responsibilities of Assistant PIO.
· Describe how the PIO may establish and leverage effective community relations.
· Describe the role of the PIO as it pertains to handling special situations (accidents) within incidents.
· Describe how PIO can keep themselves, and those they escort and work with, safe in the incident environment.
· Define the PIO roles and responsibilities during incident transition and demobilization.
Classroom: Dress is casual, but respectful and uniforms are okay as well. Please bring a lap-top computer to class each day. Student class materials will be on flash drives.
FEMA Student ID Number Required prior to class