If you have any questions regarding the classes being taught at Schell Vista FPD in Sonoma, please contact Elite Command Training at 626-290-6007 or [email protected]. Please DO NOT contact via phone or email anyone from Schell Vista FPD.
Note: we will be following the local/state health officials and CDC guidelines for COVID. We also will be taking student temperatures each day and require that all students attending wear a mask in class. We will be maintaining social distancing in the classroom and we have reduced student class sizes. We will also be implementing additional controls/mitigations to include disinfecting tables and chairs each day to reduce vulnerabilities.
CSTI Hazmat Incident commander 16-hour course that we are offering October 20 & 21, 2021 at Schell Vista FPD.
Designed For
For the aspiring company officers. Come with us on a fantastic educational journey where you will receive “depth” of instruction to improve your knowledge, skill sets, and abilities as a company officer.
California State Fire Training Certificate
Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum of 80% correct.
Course Details
The dress is casual but respectful and uniforms are okay as well. Please bring a laptop computer with you to class each day. Student materials are on a flash drive.
Course Description
This course provides information on conducting incident size up, developing, and implementing an initial plan of action involving single-family and multi-unit operations for various types of emergency incidents to mitigate the situation following agency safety procedures, conducting pre-incident planning, and develop and conduct a post-incident analysis. Many all-hazard scenarios using the ICS form 201.