Class is sold out, please email us to be put on a waiting list or register for the next instructor II class we’re offering in December, 2018
Get your Instructor 1 & 2 classes now before State Fire Training’s implementation of the task-book certification process beginning 1/1/2019
Instructor Registration remains unchanged through December 31, 2018. Instructor registration currently requires the following
- Instructor Courses fulfillment from one of the following training qualifications:
- Attended and Passed SFT Instructor I and II OR
- Attended and Passed SFT Training Instructor 1A, 1B, and 1C OR
- Attended and Passed SFT Training Instructor 1A, 1B and Instructor II OR
- Attended and Passed SFT Fire Instructor 1A, 1B and Training Instructor 1C or Fire Instructor 2A OR
- Attended and Passed Fire Instructor 1A,1B, and Instructor II OR
- Holds a Valid Lifetime Community College Teach Credential OR
- Completed the 60-hour Techniques of Teaching course from a University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) Institution OR
- Completed the National Fire Academy’s (NFA) Fire Service Instructional Methodology course
- Completed Four semester units of upper-division credit in educational materials, methods, or curriculum development
- Regional Instructor Orientation (RIO) completed within the previous two (2) years of application date
- Ethical Leadership in the Classroom and has signed SFT Instructor Code of Ethics on file
- 80 Hours Instructional Experience
Starting January 1 2019, NEW Instructors applying to teach CFSTES / FSTEP courses will be required to meet the following requirements:
- Instructor 1 Certification (40 Hours Instructional Experience and Completed Task Book)
- Instructor II Certification (40 Hours Instructional Experience and Completed Task Book)
- Regional Instructor Orientation (RIO) completed within (2) years of application date
- Ethical Leadership in the Classroom and have a signed SFT Instructor Code of Ethics on File
Starting January 1, 2019, NEW Instructors for the Fire Fighter I and II Academies will be required to meet the following requirements
- Instructor 1 Certification (40 Hours Instructors Experience and Completed Task Book)
- Ethical Leadership in the Classroom
Designed For
Those who seek to instruct educational programs and develop lesson plans
Instructor 1 (instructional methodology)
California State Fire Training Certification and Certificate
Course Details
Class begins at 0830 hours. Dress is casual, but respectful and uniforms are okay as well. Please bring a laptop with USB port to class each day. Student materials will be on flash-drives.
Course Description
This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the intermediate level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications and the 2012 edition of NFPA 1403 Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions. At the end of this course, candidates for Instructor II certification will be able to develop lesson plans and evaluation instruments, teach and deliver instruction, and evaluate and coach other instructors. The Instructor II will also be able to analyze resources and formulate a program budget.
As with all Elite Command Training classes, please bring a laptop computer with you to class each day for your classroom instructor presentations. Student materials will be on flash-drives.