Designed For
For the aspiring company officers and those of you who are tired of taking boring classes from training companies whose instructors are terrible. Come with us on a fantastic educational journey where you will receive “depth” of instruction to improve your knowledge, skill sets and abilities as a company officer.
Ask those who have taken the terrible company officer courses from training companies who’s primary focus is to read the powerpoint slides and you learn absolutely nothing about the job. You get a certificate, but not the necessary knowledge required to do the job well. Now, ask those who have taken Elite Command Training’s company officer series classes and everyone will tell you that the instructors knowledge and experience provided an adult learning environment by sharing the most relevant items you need to know to perform skillfully and effectively as a company officer is the only way to go.
Meeting the educational requirements of firefighter II
California State Fire Training Certificate
Complete all activities and formative test. Complete all summative tests with a minimum of 80% correct.
Course Details
Class will begin at 0830. Dress is casual, but respectful and uniforms are okay as well. Please bring a laptop computer with you to class each day.
Please join us for the California State Fire Training Company Officer Series classes at North Net Training Facility Classroom “Anaheim Ca.”
This class will be offered on a 4-day format, and may have pre-coursework and homework.
Course Description
This course provides information on the use of human resources to accomplish assignments, evaluating member performance, supervising personnel, and integrating health and safety plans, policies, and procedures into daily activities as well as the emergency scene.
You will learn how to write performance expectations, educating to prevent poor judgement decisions, counseling of employees to modifying behavior/performance through non-punitive measures. In addition, improving your skill sets with the firefighter bill of rights. The instructors who tell you that “every” human resource item from the workplace needs to be immediately sent to the Battalion Chief is a fool!
Please register for this fantastic educational opportunity. Elite Command Training Instructors are far superior from the others in their ability to share experience, convey relevant knowledge in a pragmatic way, while developing the students skill sets and improving abilities. If you are looking to be at the top of the promotional list, then you better register for the company officer series classes with ECT.